
Our Services


80% of learning is visual, which means that if your child is having difficulty in school, the visual system could be a factor. Vision is much more than 20/20. You can experience Great eye sight but still lack visual skill function necessary for optimal reading, writing and learning.

During the developmental vision exam, all the visual skills necessary to function at a child’s grade level will be evaluated. Using different types of tests and lenses, we push the visual system’s stamina to gain better understanding of the child’s strengths and weaknesses.

What Do Functional Vision Issues Look Like?

Eye focusing – Blurred vision or ability to shift focus between objects between near and far distances may be compromised.

​​​​​​​Eye teaming – Your eyes may not work together properly as a team even to the point of experiencing double or very blurry vision.

​​​​​​​Eye movements – You may experience difficulty with eye movements when reading or trying to follow a moving object (like a ball being thrown). Losing your place while reading is a common complaint.


Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) often result in severe effects on visual system function. Studies show that up to 90% of TBI patients experience some form of vision disruption, causing an interrupted communication between the eyes and the brain.

During the TBI/Concussion Vison Evaluation, the communications between the brain and the visual system are evaluated along with other sensory systems like balance (vestibular) and touch (proprioceptive).


During a comprehensive infant eye exam, we evaluate the visual system to ensure it is supportive of and does not interfere with development and learning. We encourage a baseline exam between 6 months and 12 months old.


Routine eye exams are essential, regardless of your age or physical health. During a complete eye exam, we will determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses and also check your eyes for common eye diseases, assess how your eyes work together as a team and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of your overall health.


The visual system of someone with Autism or Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) requires special testing and often benefits significantly from vision therapy and/or yoked prism or ambient lenses. Typical behaviors such as ` poor eye contact, looking through or beyond objects, extreme aversion to light, unusual reaction to sight are actually symptoms of untreated visual problems that can be effectively remediated with vision therapy and/or yoked prism lenses or ambient lenses.